Pink Bunny Slippers and a Black Pleather Bodysuit.

I’m the Gladys Kravitz of our neighborhood–always looking out the window and down the street. 

One day as I was peering out the window, a black Honda Accord with matching black rims whipped around the corner, made a U-turn, and parked right in front of our house. Out popped a chick with a bird’s nest of red hair piled on her head, wearing pink bunny slippers and a black pleather jumpsuit.

She had a cigarette dangling from her mouth and her iPhone hanging around her neck, playing the latest from Lil Nas X. I was mesmerized.

She grabbed her camera out of the back of the car and walked to the house across the street. She yanked the “for sale” sign out of the yard (and placed it in the neighbor’s yard), set up a tripod, and started snapping away.

As I watched her march around the yard in her fluffy bunny slippers, I thought, “now there’s an independent soul secure in their state of being.”

She went into the house (I was disappointed the show was over), and I went back to work.

It was a memorable, albeit brief, experience.

What’s the point here?

I’m not saying I want you to dress up in pink bunny slippers and a pleather bodysuit (unless the spirit moves you), but I do want you to put effort into making your content memorable.

As if it had on pink bunny slippers.

Instead of throwing facts, figures, and data at us in your social posts or website articles, give us some juicy details. A story about why you’re sharing what you’re sharing. And yes, you too have juicy details. Those aren’t reserved for strippers named Tanqueray.

Have you used this information to improve something in your life? Has it helped someone else? Is there an anecdote you can relate it to?

David Sedaris has said that it’s usually the worst thing you can admit about yourself that most people will be able to relate to. Which makes all of us pretty relatable. 

Don’t be afraid to get personal. It creates a connection that facts and figures can’t.

I’ll put it this way: Facts tell, stories sell. Use your stories to make memorable experiences for your customers. The kind they will be disappointed to miss.

P.S. She never put the sign back in the yard. For a week, it looked like the neighbor’s house was for sale.
P.P.S. Gladys Kravitz was the nosey neighbor on Bewitched

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